There are two villages.
In one village they raise animals for food and it is best you do not grow to love them. You will become desensitized to killing them within a short time and learn to deaden your senses to their individuality and sentience. The water, land, and air is polluted with unmanageable fecal runoff. The trees are gone – they have been cleared to make more cropland…because you need to grow a huge amount of plants to feed the animals, which in turn give back only a small amount of edible food. Thus some of the villagers are starving to death. Many also lack access to water - the shrinking amount of polluted water you have needs to be given to the farm animals and massive ‘animal feed’ crops.
In the other village you coexist with all the other earthlings. No one tries to do intentional harm to any other being in the village. Loving and supporting other earthlings is encouraged and violence is not condoned. You have small patches of gardens throughout the village that complement surrounding nature, and you produce a surplus of food for all of the residents. No one goes hungry. The water is clean and so is the air. People care about each other and look out for each other.
Which one would you choose? I know which one I want. For those who do not know facts it may seem I exaggerate. Quite the opposite, I have not mentioned many other negative issues that are a direct result of our irresponsible and irrational life choices. While veganism is not a diet, the full scope of results are undeniable.
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“To me it is deeply moving that the same food choices that give us the best chance to eliminate world hunger are also those that take the least toll on the environment, contribute the most to our long-term health, are the safest, and are also, far and away, the most compassionate towards our fellow creatures.”
~ John Robbins