Friday, June 23, 2023

Romancing the 'farm'...

 I see a lot of people with a romantic notion about animal ‘farming’. Even some who are familiar with ‘standard farming practices’ seem to romanticize the farming ideal that is only fantasy in children's books. 

Many think of rolling green hills, open fields, big red barns, adorable baby animals, and possess a general vision that does not recognize the extremely dark and depraved acts that always must be included if one intends to ‘farm’ animals in any way. 

Personally, I do not see visions of any such delusions. I see baby male calves killed for veal. I see male chicks killed simply for being born male. I see repeatedly assaulting a female - a mother - to produce offspring, both only to be seen as ‘products’ to be exploited, used, sold, and/or murdered. I see castration and dehorning and branding. I see the selfishness and pure ignorance of taking a life because they are no longer of use to me to oppress or exploit, or to partake in some utterly unnecessary personal pleasure.

In the 15+ years I've been vegan I've seen many "animal farmer turned vegan" stories. The dark side of farming ultimately took a toll on them and the person they were born as – a kind, decent, merciful human – was somehow reawakened. They simply could not sustain lying to themselves about the many terrible things that must be done to be able to “farm” any fellow sentient being.

The reality of animal ‘farming’ is not suitable for a children’s book and there is nothing romantic about it. 

Create sanctuaries. Grow life-sustaining plant-based foods. Live in peace. Live vegan.

Friday, May 5, 2023

UNnecessary evil

Almost all of us were raised to suppress and ignore our true character. We were told raising and farming animals, eating animals, wearing animals, and generally ‘using’ animals was a “necessary evil”. We were told we needed to feed the hungry, provide clothes, keep people nourished and healthy, etc. 

We were taught it was OK to treat others differently based upon what they looked like or their species and rank them solely by what form of service they could provide. It was repeatedly ingrained that others are of less importance, less intelligence, less feeling, that their lives did not possess inherent value. That their only worth was in what profit or product we could take from them. And we believed it.

Most are still so societally indoctrinated they have a difficult time envisioning a better way. They forgot their nature. They defend the obvious wrongs that once upon a time - as a child - they would have been (or were) traumatized by. 

But “necessary evil” was the explanation…until we stopped questioning, or maybe we just never thought to ask the questions at all…

We were lied to. Not one bit of it is “necessary” – in fact, it’s not even rational. Not. One. Bit.

I now know they are lying. That there is another way. I have chosen to be a different person than a violent, self-centered one who believes anyone else’s life holds less inherent value than my own. I don’t believe that and don’t think I ever did. I just forgot for a very long time. Finding out about veganism simply reminded me of who I truly am, and I am thankful for that every single day.

I see the truth of the picture…both are being deceived. What you see is the abuse and betrayal of 2 individual thinking and feeling beings – one who is being taught to betray trust and love, taught to ignore his true desire for mercy and compassion; the other about to see a dark and depraved side of humanity – such confusion for this poor vulnerable animal who once knew of our true human nature of kindness. 

Many of us go on to find out the truth. That none of it was ever necessary. Just evil.

Not. Necessary.
It. Is. Abuse.
Stop. The. Betrayal.

Vegan for LIFE.

Friday, April 21, 2023

No silly comparisons needed!


Vegans will factually state that we are not lions, and we know that animal testing has no relation to the human body, but the next post I see is saying since the "strongest animals" eat mainly plants (such as elephants) that means humans can be strong without eating meat. I don't think people truly analyze the things they can't pick and choose when a comparison suits your personal confirmation bias. You are not a lion. You are not a rat (often used in testing). You are also not an elephant or a gorilla. Use consistent rational thinking. Our HUMAN anatomy and physiology is all the proof required as to our species appropriate needs and needs involve no animals nor any of these silly comparisons.