Monday, January 7, 2019

More Shit Nonvegans Say

Vegans are used to getting a lot of resistance.
Repetition of phrases from nonvegan insistence.

Misinformed statements, “How would we feed everyone?”
“On nothing but lettuce? That could never be done.”

But it is eating animals that feeds insufficiently.
The fact is - we can feed more with plants quite efficiently!

And on it continues, often very defensive;
“I can’t be vegan I think it’s just too expensive.”

But there are many items whose prices aren't steep,
So many alternatives - we can live quite cheap!

“Do you even eat chicken? What about fish?”
“My gosh, how ‘bout bacon? It is so damn delish!”

There is no good excuse, no rational need,
to ‘use’ other beings or consume rotting flesh feed.

Sentient beings who value their lives.
They would beg for their life and run from our knives.

Vegan for justice, against oppression and exploitation.
Veganism NOT a diet - it is nondiscrimination!

“But if stuck on an island, what in the world would you do?”
“You also kill animals – the bug under your shoe!”

“Man has always eaten animals…since I don’t know when.”
“What about Intuit; and what of cavemen?”

Well, since we are not Intuit, nor on deserted land,
what would you do with millions of options in hand;

that do not cause enslavement, exploitation, or pain;
and you have absolutely NOTHING to lose but others will gain?

Just keep on ignoring? Just not give a damn?
I don’t know about you, but that’s not who I am.

“Farmers love their animals, and it has to be done -
if we didn’t eat animals we’d be overrun!”

No, farmers DO NOT love their animals - they breed them only to slay,
and they will keep exploiting, as long as we pay.

The often-heard question, “But don’t plants feel pain?”
Kill a dog or mow the lawn – do they believe them the same?

“Don’t you care about humans? What kind of person are you?”
“What about hunters? Do you hate all them too?”

“What about vitamins? Is your intake sufficient?”
“You’d better make sure, or you’ll be deficient.”

“You surely are lacking in in protein, B12, calcium, iron…”
“And look at my teeth! I am just like a lion!”

But when scientifically viewed, by basic design.
Humans and herbivores are way more aligned.

As health knowledge is growing and more data assessed
more doctors acknowledging that plant-based is best.

“I exploit and kill animals because that’s what God intended!”
We keep giving rational answers and they then claim they’re offended…

Offended by truth? Upset by facts?
Should instead be upset with justifying heinous acts.

Another frequent comment, though utterly wrong,
is to pull the "cult" card and say we joined along.

But here is the truth - no matter what nonvegans perceive…
Their *cult* is what vegans have managed to leave!

The nonvegan *cult* requires violent sacrifices, unkind…
No wonder the pressure to justify such conflict of mind.

Like the word ‘humane’ - a meaningless label.
Soothing the guilty with self-convinced fable.

“Sure, I’d eat my dog, I’m a true carnivore!”
“And I’ll eat 10 steaks now"; my manhood secure.

They could ask rational questions or present a thoughtful take…
But instead choose to ask about a zombie outbreak.

Oh, you buy from a *local* animal-killing, Earth-harming farm?
This is just more self-deception to justify egocentric harm.

No matter how *local*, there is nothing good or humane
about the exploitation of others and causing undue pain.

And then there’s the question – “But don’t you miss cheese?”
No - I do not miss sucking secretions nor killing babies.

All these irrational statements and ridiculous claims
to justify and rationalize rather than change!

Only when people can accept fantasy,
could we call nonviolence “extreme” and defend travesty.

One more we hear from those who don’t understand…
is the accusation of pushing some big Vegan Plan.”

A ‘Vegan Agenda’? What’s that comprise?
Justice for others? Not believing the lies?

A planet well-tended, allowing to flourish?
A clean Earth and growing food truly intended to nourish?

Treating those who can feel as the ‘someone’ they are?
These simple principles yet vegans bizarre?

And then the insist that on their ‘journey’ they’re crawling…
While the truth - any delay is completely appalling.

Claiming to “love” as destroy everything.
Words that are empty while great harm actions bring.

And were one to ask…we already know what we'd say,
“Do you want to hurt others?” would get an emphatic "NO WAY!"

A man abuses his dog – “How could he dare?”
Public outcry for hanging in the mid of town square.

Taught some to exploit, some to sleep with at night.
We do harm to most while we hold our pets tight.

Cognitive dissonance is what it is called;
when we treat some one way but don’t apply our morals to all.

It’s pretty concerning thinking your mind is legit;
and then you wake up one day and realize you were a complete hypocrite!

Most people are decent, just mired in lies.
Very deep is their ‘program’, they just don’t recognize.

And that is the reason I can write this all out…
Too many are followers without any doubt.

Desperate defense to keep dissonance disease.
When views and actions conflict it causes unease.

But vegan growing quick, the people are waking;
exciting to see a new world in the making!

So, for the thinkers and leaders who are willing to grow;
for those who can look past the lies and get into the 'know'…

Many depend on us, and we will continue the ‘fight’,
because there not one shred of doubt that vegan is right.

I will always be grateful for the one who told me.
They may have opened my eyes - but I had to be willing to *see*.

My perspective so different, and came clearness of mind;
It is awesome living a life with morals aligned!

Many years I was nonvegan, I have lived on each side,
but I prefer to think for myself and let my morals guide.

I love being vegan – many reasons nonvegan is wrong,
My only regret is that it took me so long!

And I’m not missing anything, of that I assure.
Nonvegan is toxic, veganism the cure.

Every day of your life please make resolution;
to stop the empty excuses and become part of the solution.

- by Karyn Swaney
©Karyn Swaney