Monday, September 15, 2014

There is a Difference Between Veganism and Being Plant-Based!

Eating PLANT-BASED is a way of eating that prevents (and has been known to cure) cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and a whole host of other diseases. Animal proteins are known to contribute to and sometimes cause cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and a whole host of other diseases.
(It is also important to eat organic if one is plant-based, for several reasons, one of the most important of which is to minimize your intake of pesticides [and GMOs - until someone actually proves they are safe for consumption, as they have NOT yet been]).

Veganism is an ethical lifestyle that does not exploit or oppress or discriminate upon others based upon color, sex, nationality, sexuality, or SPECIES. We seek to end discrimination and oppression and abuse and enslavement and violence in totality. We recognize that the teachings most of us were raised upon were simply that – they were taught behaviors (more like bad habits) and were not how we chose to be. We tightly hugged our companion animals while we brutalized other sentient innocent souls, for no rational reason. We realized causing others to suffer when it was so often avoidable was just ethically WRONG and did not align with either our ethics nor the love we hold for all other Earthlings that share our planet (and the planet itself!).

There is a difference. Plant-based is generally for health, maybe environmental, maybe just taste. Veganism is a MORAL decision and is for one reason only – to end the discrimination and oppression and abuse of the innocent.


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