Tuesday, August 11, 2015

How is Love a Negative Thing?

There are *some* who seem to think that vegans are suffering, sad, negative, or upset in some way because we do not dress up or accessorize with the dead corpses of others while we gorge ourselves on rotting flesh, and/or because we point out the moral inconsistency of others while bonding with other amazing people to stand strong for one of the most inclusive and important social justice movements of our time.

Yes, we do know sad things. Yes, we do get down at times. But speaking for myself, overall I live an incredibly happy life and would NEVER trade intellect and morality for false happiness. The bubble most live in is false - a world created by immoral corporations, false advertising/propaganda, and corrupt media - therefore their own perceived happiness is mostly an illusion. For myself I found real and incredibly profound happiness when I began to truly understand the world I was living in and made informed choices that supported my true morals and principles…choices that were easy to make once one is basing their beliefs and actions on reality, education, love, justice, rational thought, and intellect. I definitely thought I was happy before I went vegan, but after I went vegan I found that happiness not only multiplied tremendously, but life also took on a whole new level of gratitude, joy, inner confidence, and appreciation.

When we understand that our daily choices determine whether we truly show compassion and concern for others, and even for oneself, we find such depth, we reconnect with our soul…words fail to convey how wonderful I feel since becoming vegan. I have not regretted my amazing, wonderful, life-affirming changes, not for one single moment.

If others would awaken to their own dissonance issues that cause them to be unable to rationally analyze vegan ethics (e.g. THINK), they might find out how to confront *their* own feelings of negativity and unhappiness when finding themselves unable to *deal* with them.

Being vegan is wonderful!

“The ignorance the people live in leads them to commit mistakes against their own happiness.”
Simón Bolívar

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