Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Country of Origin, Cruelty of Origin

Our diet is mostly country of origin and not on rational thinking. Do the people who call vegans *extreme* realize they would happily be eating dogs if they were raised in another country and they’d be defending their "personal choice" to butcher dogs while being upset with vegans for pointing out it was completely unnecessary to hurt them?

(they don't make any sense but they don't even know they don't make sense and they don't even see how ridiculous that is and I have no idea how to tell them in a way that would understand just how obviously insane their behavior is but damn read what I just wrote above how in the hell is that not obvious how is it possible not to see rational thinking when it is presented to you why in the hell do they avoid thinking reasonably and objectively based on some really bizarre twisted addictions particularly to eating slowly rotting animal flesh and consuming breast milk omg would they drink dog milk or giraffe milk such distortion of what is acceptable someone once told me who to care about and who to kill and exploit and I accepted that as OK when in fact it wasn't OK with me at all what they hell was i thinking for so long they would be killing and eating dogs and clearly I would have too but now I'm awake and I know there is no difference...)

Vegan because it is clearly just the right thing to do. I love my dog and I would never harm her...make the connection. 

My sweet pit bull Taaja

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