Monday, August 25, 2014

Is It Ignorance or is it Apathy?

I read a story about turkeys one night…I thought to myself that maybe I wouldn’t eat turkey anymore, and went to bed. I woke up in the morning vegan. Like really. Suddenly, without any deep reflection on the matter I just decided I didn’t want to be a part of it anymore. I went to my closet and boxed up every single thing that had animal products in them, many almost-new articles of clothing and jackets - into the box - taped up and donated to an animal org that advocates veganism. 
I actually think my housemates (my elderly mom and hubby) thought I had finally gone off the deep end! I still didn’t know much…I didn’t know even a fraction of what I know now, but that action changed my life, for the better. Now, living on hummus and still craving ‘bad’ stuff at times I began learning. I wasn’t going back, no way, no how. I was too happy, even basically living on hummus (and the occasional PB&J, which I HATE) to go back. Once I was told the reality, saw the truth that had been right in front of me the whole time, I could not morally participate in such violence. 
Though a possible fad as they probably saw it, both mom and hubby began to change to help me adjust. Many things I could think of to eat that were ‘vegan’ I HATED (like spaghetti/pasta, pizza without cheese, etc.). We came up with a few staple meals that provided survival minimums (!!!) and learned. No one says change is easy, but often change is WORTH IT. I have had a pretty active full life so far, and I can easily say without hesitation that going vegan is the BEST thing I have ever done. Our home is cruelty-free now, our food choices are varied and delicious, and we are not ashamed to say we are very proud and happy about that!
Now that I have been vegan for several years I can no longer understand those who do participate. I have forgiven my former ignorance, and I dedicate at least some time almost every day to trying to seek justice for the innocent - both human and non-human - but for many it is no longer ignorance. There are stories everywhere now. No one except utterly blind fools can say they do not have some inkling about what animal agriculture does and the negative impact and death toll it has on all species, REGARDLESS of the ‘size’ of the farm or whether ‘family’ run or not.
I find this very sad. When I once believed it was simply ignorance I was POSITIVE people would be OUTRAGED when they ‘found out’ all the truths. Now, I am less convinced it is ignorance and that often it is actually more a narrow-minded egotistical apathy and blind insistence, regardless of rationale. Mostly decent people justifying very bad behaviors, forsaking decency and shirking personal responsibility. We are in some dire trouble with many global issues, yet many of those not in immediate direct dire peril just go about their day as if their self-created bubble will always protect them and their loved ones.
My husband said yesterday, “Sadly, many will not see or care unless it were THEM directly in harm’s way.”
I would like to believe that is not the case. At the very least I hope upcoming generations will turn this around…I am unwilling to accept futility as an option when it comes to creating a nonviolent world where we place moral value and education as a higher priority than dumbed-down passivity.
If you are non-vegan please THINK. . . . . Ask yourself “why?” Do some reading. Go visit a farm sanctuary. Understand the negative impacts we make with our daily choices (environment, health, antibiotics, resource consumption, superbugs, etc.).
Keep asking yourself “Why?”
Because if you actually thought about it, you could not possibly find one good reason. I’ve read thousands of articles, scouring them for even one supportive argument a non-vegan could make…there is not one that makes the slightest bit of sense to be found.

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