Sunday, August 24, 2014

People and the 'Funny' Things They Say

People say they ‘love animals’ but turn a blind eye to the most extreme forms of animal cruelty imaginable just so they can indulge in irrational and unnecessary habits.

People say they are against vivisection while wearing make-up or household products produced by unethical animal testing.

People say they care about children, future generations, and Earth, but they engage in activities that are creating severe crises’ that WILL negatively affect future generations, and greatly harms our planet and future prosperity.

People say they love their dog or cat with all of their heart, yet they slaughter, eat, wear, and use other animals who have also shown to develop close bonds, to understand love, to hold intelligence and independence of thought, and to understand misery and fear.

Furthermore, people will say they seek truth and knowledge, but when asked why they love their dog and eat a pig or wear a cow, they are unable to adequately explain in any way that makes rational sense.

People say they want to ‘feed the hungry’ and ‘heal the sick’ yet they perpetuate practices that both creates and perpetuates global famine and disease.

People say they care about their own family, yet the nourishment they bring to the table has contents of severe harm.

People say they are vehemently opposed to bullying weaker beings, yet they forcefully confine and slaughter billions of weaker, innocent beings every day.

People say they are opposed to oppression, yet they visit circuses, zoos, and marine parks, where other beings have been kidnapped from their families and forced into a life of slavery.

People say they are compassionate and empathetic to others, and say they would not want any earthling to suffer unnecessarily, but they covet ignorance so they do not have to act on these claims.

Unfortunately, often when people talk about all the things they care about, what I hear is empty words.

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