Thursday, December 1, 2016

Being Humane

This is the *farming* of today. Please do not believe the lie of ‘humane’ slaughter or exploitation *NO MATTER WHERE* you buy your exploitation from, because that is like believing in unicorns – it simply does not exist.

ALL industries that exploit animals utilize common practices that are horrific to animals and perpetuate the exploitation. When it comes to eating animals most people can’t bring themselves to watch a video of slaughter even at its most *humane* (doesn’t exist), so how can they claim to be in favor of it? Even go so far as to defend and support it? All while knowing they would be horrified to watch and certainly unlikely to directly participate?

It is impossible in our modern society to eat, wear, and/or exploit animals and live a humane life. It is simply impossible. If one says they are opposed to causing animals to suffer or abusing animals then they need to stop abusing them and causing them to suffer. It is that simple. Otherwise the words are empty.

If you are not vegan please go vegan immediately. Vegans have nothing to gain other than the terrible knowledge of what nonvegans are doing to others - what most of us once participated in without a second thought. When we became aware of the suffering, the depravity, the devastation we were inflicting we made different choices. You can make different choices too. You can stop this. Help us stop exploitation by making some simple but incredibly meaningful life changes.


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