Thursday, December 15, 2016

Reactions to Veganism

With rare exception there are two general reactions from the majority of nonvegans when presented with information about veganism and animal exploitation.

REACTION 1) Feels societally justified so probably finds at least some of my words insulting. Likely feels defensive and uncomfortable. Denies the truth and has no intention of actually checking any facts or doing any research. Decides to close their mind and stay with societal groupthink so dismisses my words and goes on with their life as usual, willfully ignoring their terrible behavior, sometimes choosing to instead be uncomfortable around me.

REACTION 2) At least initially probably feels some societal justification, may or may not find my words a little insulting (I do understand being told behavior is morally repulsive is not a pleasant thing to be told, albeit the truth). Might feel defensive, maybe even uncomfortable. Decides to *see* for themselves so they can make informed decisions about their personal ethics and boundaries. Does some research, which leads to many “holy shit” moments, often with feelings of being sickened and sorry for what you unknowingly participated in for so long. Changes their daily choices to reflect their life values.

I’ll give you one guess as to which reaction I had… ;)

Does anyone actually BELIEVE that ‘reaction 1’ is an appropriate reaction for ANYTHING?
I happen to think that making informed ethical decisions about my behavior actually MATTERS.
:) :) <3 <3

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“Open your eyes, be open to new knowledge. I understand when someone questions everything you’ve been conditioned to believe your entire life, you’re going to meet it with ignorance and hostility, just like I did. Believe me, when veganism was brought to my attention…I met it with ignorance and hostility, because you’re essentially telling me the way I live my life is wrong, and I’m not having that shit, my ego won’t have that shit! But, the point is, it is wrong.”
~ Jordan David

you can catch one of his videos here:

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