Sunday, September 28, 2014

The Truth Ain't Always Easy To Hear (or Say)

I believe in being a nice person, kind and generous to everyone, even under the most distressing of circumstances. Many, many writings of mine have been revised to have a kinder tone (lol – believe it or not!), and even revised again later…I do not try to be insulting or combative, but I absolutely, positively, cannot compromise on the truth. I find our current ‘acceptable’ methods so outrageous that speaking out against them is almost not even a choice – it is what MUST BE DONE.

Try as I will to be as nice as I can…sometimes the deep insult and shame I feel just by knowing the truth does leak into things I write or post. I cannot always soothe or boost egos, when often it is these very egos and their willful ignorance that is causing the issues we face!

The media is not going to tell you the truth. If you don’t know that by now than I am not sure I would ever be able to get through to you no matter what I say! Little bits and pieces come out here and there, but it took me several years to actually make a whole picture, to really begin to understand, and I am positive there is a lot I still don’t know. What I do know is we are blatantly controlled by corporate interests - who largely mediate what you see and read every day – and who deliver the brainwashing to keep you silent. We are cultured into capitalistic, systemic cruelty, abuse, and discrimination in almost every form, then every possible avenue of profiting from our destruction is exploited.

The ‘newest fad’ – supplements, drugs, diets – you don’t think you are being manipulated? Really? There have been MANY attempts at putting the truth on television. Did you see a bunch of ads for “Forks Over Knives” when it came out? How about “Food, Inc?” Or “The Bay?” Or the hundred or so other films and press releases that have come out attempting to rally for the planet, to protect and conserve, to stop the cruelty and oppression, and/or to bring awareness? Did you see all the ads? Nope. Probably not.

Did you know corporations threaten to pull their ads if [certain] other ads are run? That it is almost impossible to get ad space for the kinds of shows or movies that would benefit the beings of the Earth and Earth itself? That television stations and the media largely operate under fear of having a band of planet-destroying cruelty-rampant corporations pull their financing?

If any environmental or animal story gets mention, it is often slightly skewed or downplayed. If the media reported the truth, they’d be on the news every night telling how dire a situation we are in and how poorly our system works for the benefit of all.

They talk people into being against THEMSELVES, and voting against THEMSELVES. The system benefits a select few, and entangles you in some absolutely horrific crimes of humanity in which many willingly and blindly participate. Peace and nature and love and compassion is simply not profitable, and unfortunately most people are still sleeping - mere pawns on a chessboard.

I have mentioned before – industry pressured the media to change the term “Swine Flu” to “H1N1” so they could further diminish your chances of making critical and necessary connections.

Are you REALLY controlling YOURSELF? Or are you being controlled? Programmed? For any nonvegan, I simply do not understand why you would let them do it…why would you let them harm others so egregiously in your name and using your finances? Why would you just throw our planet away? Why would you be cruel when it is so easily avoided? No matter what your ‘beliefs’ are – don’t you believe in decency? In good? In responsibility? In compassion? I will never understand willful ignorance, apathy, or intentional harm, I simply cannot understand.

Albert Einstein: “Those who have the privilege to know, have the duty to act.”

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