Sunday, September 28, 2014

Vegan Future

Vegans do not be sad! I totally 'get it'. I completely understand. But you can change your perspective. Just in the way we changed how we viewed the brutality we were inflicting upon others - we can change the way we respond to the ‘knowing’.

Please remember MANY have struggled – slaves who fought to be free, women who fought to not be property, LGBT who fought to not be victims of hate crimes and against discrimination. Not all of the succeeded. Some died never seeing the change that DID come. But they ALL mattered. They ALL made an impact. They ALL brought evolution and deeper thinking to the human species. It wasn’t easy for them either. There were likely many days they could barely crawl out of bed and felt such darkness, afraid change would never come, afraid of a future darker than the PRESENT. But change DID come, and change WILL come. You are pioneers, and you are creating an [r]evolution of the mind and spirit.

The egotistical human will struggle harder accepting rights for non-humans. The egotistical human will take longer to accept the thought that they are NOT more important than any other. The egotistical human will fight hard to continue to dominate others and parasitically overtake our planet. But there is another human emerging…

…the kind and enlightened human. The decent and empathetic human. The evolved human, a human that is beginning to see things in a whole new light.

YOU should NOT be sad. Have your moments, cry if you must (I do sometimes), but then REMEMBER. Remember how awesome you are that you are so decent and kind. Remember you are saving lives. Remember that as hard as it is, you would NEVER want to go back to ‘before’.

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