Thursday, October 2, 2014

An Apology to PETA [of sorts]

Unfortunately because of some of the actions and contradictions with my own views, I am not a huge fan of PETA. They do not package the message in a way that is acceptable for many people, and in some ways gives nonvegans excuse not to bother to change because they write PETA off as quite nuts and inappropriate at times. I find this sad, for many reasons. Mostly because I think they could be much more effective utilizing different outreach methods than they currently employ (not saying all their efforts are bad, just a lot of mixed messages and tacky stunts), but it is also personal for me - PETA changed my life.

I was young, stupid, and naïve, and I had a few extra bucks, so I sent a donation to PETA. I didn’t know that much about them, but I "loved animals" dearly (no, I didn't - I just THOUGHT I did). I got back a "thank you" and a copy of their magazine. Late that night I happily settled down to read 'happy' stories about rescued dogs and cats...

...mind blown...

...this can't be real...

...why would they say these things?...

(the first story was about turkeys)

...go to computer - Google please save me... Is it true? OMG it is true. Wait a minute - what did I THINK I was eating? [now freaking out as thinking things I had never considered before] – Did I ever really ‘see’ them at all? Visions of many times snapping photos of wild turkeys in my yard with their babies – loving them and feeling so honored they visited me…CRASH!?!*%!*?

Went to bed, feeling sad and anxious and discomforted. Amazingly I slept deeply, but woke up a different person. Feeling calm, totally confident, already feeling a sense of happiness and relief. I was going vegan. NOW. Come hell or high water.

I would have lived quite happily on hummus and broccoli if must (vegans have great food, but I didn’t know that then), but I wasn’t going to participate anymore. I don’t want to kill animals or cause them suffering. I LOVE animals. I was going vegan and would never be anything but, ever again. At first hubby and mom probably thought it was some sort of phase, but because they are awesome people they supported me, and we’ve never looked back. (We’ve learned so much since those long-ago days, and we are NEVER going back.)

So, back to PETA. I have some love for them – they changed my whole life in the most awesome way possible. They have shown me a whole new way of thinking and feeling. They pushed me to a place where I am now extremely well read on subjects I was not – such as agriculture, nutrition, environmental issues, multinationals, chemicals, how our system works to our detriment in general, etc. They have given me a deeper meaning where I live consciously and ethically rather than selfishly or ignorantly. Yet they also embarrass our cause at times, they have done some ‘activism’ that reflects poorly on many of us and some of their ‘positions’ are unacceptable to me and belie some of the *message*.

Sorry PETA, as I am unable to be an aggressive supporter (but I remain a closet hopeful and recognize you HAVE changed lives). I truly am sorry – I could never thank you enough for what you have done for me. The day I really woke up and realized what love for *ALL* really means.
I LOVE being [non-welfarist abolitionist] vegan!


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