Sunday, October 26, 2014

It is SO Obvious

People had to fight against the tolerance and acceptance of human slavery for a long time before changing societal perspectives. Now human slavery is generally agreed upon as inhumane and is not tolerated.

I can understand how past activists felt - shocked and utterly incredulous that other 'decent' humans could not *see* - or how they could be such monsters.

Something that was so OBVIOUSLY wrong - being ridiculed, harassed, or even physically harmed - for what they absolutely KNEW was right. The frustration of seeing something so blatant, so self-evident - so clear and plain - yet few others can see...

Those who are still exploiters and violent killers simply do not understand yet...
But they will.
How do I know they will?
Because it is so OBVIOUS.
[go vegan]


  1. I'll speak for myself only. I lived 50 years in omnivorous blindness until I went vegetarian 2-1/2 years ago and then vegan a year later. I always considered myself an "animal lover," but I was abusing them by eating them, paying companies to effectively torture them, and exploiting them by patronizing places like fairs and zoos that kept them on display in unnatural settings. When I awoke from this dogmatic (excuse the pun :-) slumber, I was amazed, and still am, how I could have missed something SO OBVIOUS: we're all earthlings; we all deserve respect; we all deserve to live free from fear, harm, and exploitation; we all want to be loved, valued, and cherished as individuals. You're right, Karyn. The injustice CAN'T last. It WILL end as soon as enough people awaken. Sound the alarms!! :-)

    1. I wonder to myself every single day what made me wake. I read an article, but I don't think that was it. Many read articles and do not change. Something in is in all of us, I believe it. Wake the people! :)

    2. I remember that day when it started anyway. I was in Florida on vacation 2-1/2 years ago and walking on a fishing pier with my siblings. "Light duty" fisherman and a mildly unsettling odor near the shore. As we continued down the pier, it became more intense (bigger rods, larger fish, extreme scenes of gutted animals and the stench of blood and entrails on the pier surface). I grew up watching my grandfather and his friends fish, but that day was different. I was overwhelmed, felt sick and had to go back to the condo. That night, I asked my brother (a lovely soul who has since gone pescatarian himself -- I'm working on it :-), "You know I don't fish or hunt, but is it hypocritical for me to eat the fish others catch, to eat the animals others slaughter?" He said (to my surprise!), "Yes. But, it's OK Mark, everybody's hypocritical about something." He meant it as a balm to my obvious distress, but I thought, "I don't want to be a hypocrite. This isn't right." Within 2 days, I was vegetarian. A year later, I saw Mercy for Animals' "From Farm to Fridge" and that sealed the deal. I went vegan immediately. It's the most fulfilling and satisfying decision I've ever made….by far! It's good to be awake, the only problem is I want to go get everybody else up now. "Wake up, everybody!! You can feel this good, too." :-)

    3. I so agree - If people only knew that being vegan is such a joy! It is just the most wonderful gift - to others but also to MYSELF! It adds a whole dimension of meaning and freedom I never knew I was missing. I got a mag in the mail from PETA. Read about turkeys. Freaked out. Boxed everything. Ate hummus for a bit while adjusting! Figured it out. Happier than ever!!! <3
      I don't know when that was for sure, should have noted date, although I'd bet that mag (with date) is in my house somewhere! Was 2007 or 2008.
      <3 Being vegan is awesome!


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